Erasing Imaginary Lines, Healing the Land was an exhibit that took place at the Yellowhouse Art Centre on Galiano Island, BC, from October 5-27, 2024. It presented the work of the Xetthecum digital ecocultural storymap, an intergenerational, cross-cultural and community-led project focused on creating an ecocultural storymap of an area known as Xetthecum in the Hul’q’umi’num’ language (Retreat Cove, Galiano Island). The exhibit also featured projects that are related to or that inspired the Xetthecum project, including species maps of Galiano Island created by local artists, an overview of Whiteswan Environmental’s work, and a digital project gallery. A Coast Salish loom was set up in the middle of the space, inviting visitors to do some weaving and providing a cultural, visual and physical gathering point for the exhibit.
A large timeline was created for the exhibit, telling the story of the project from its inception in 2020 to the present. The meandering timeline, with thought-bubble questions appearing along its path, reflects the emergent and exploratory nature of the project. To learn more please visit the exhibit project page.