In the IDRC participated in a hackathon in San Francisco focused on aligning primary and secondary curriculum in crisis contexts.

event followed a series of previous consultations over several years, including sessions at the WISE Summit and in Kakuma Refugee Camp, which culminated this past with a design sprint in Paris the IDRC participated in. The Paris sprint developed a proof-of-concept for open-source software tools to make the process of curriculum alignment easier and faster—recognizing and designed to support the role of human curators—usable by a variety of platforms and projects.
In crisis contexts, there is a need to quickly categorize and align digital materials to reduce friction in the adoption of educational technology. While there is an abundance of open educational resources, they are not often categorized against different national systems or are not organized in a way that facilitates self-guided discoverability.
The IDRC contributed to the development of a rubric to help guide real-world judgements for the process of curriculum alignment with a feedback loop to continue to build inclusivity in judgements and avoid reductive criteria.
The goal is to embed an inclusive reality into judgements–to always ask who is not included at every step of the process. Applying inclusive design means having diverse educators performing alignment judgements, folks who have experience, including lived experience, with marginalized learners and learning in a marginalized context. The diverse contributors then feed rich and diverse adjustments back to the rubric.