As part of an effort to include diverse perspectives in the creation of inclusive cities, the IDRC and Floe organized co-design sessions in elementary and middle schools with students in Grades 3, 5, and 6. The co-design activity was developed in collaboration with classroom teachers and parents to tailor the activity to the interests and needs of the children. A facilitation OER was created which includes instructions for several city design activities.
The design process included giving students blank cards to add their own features to their neighbourhood which resulted in the inclusion of religious centres, airports, banks, gyms, and stadiums. The overarching themes that emerged from the co-design sessions show that environmental friendliness, accessibility, and inclusivity of neighbourhoods were important factors for students in all three grades.
More information about the co-design sessions can be found on the inclusive cities website

Figure 1. Student's Neighbourhood Designs
An image showing the design boards of created by students during the co-design sessions.