The activities described in the Inclusive Design Guide cover a range of needs from collaborative “ice-breakers” to more comprehensive design activities, all of which can be used by any group to learn about and reflect on the practice of inclusive design in a particular context. Several activities have recently been added to the Guide including the Collaborative Art Warmup ,Functional Mashup, Virtuous Tornado, and Web of Strings. We invite you to give them a try!
In addition, Creating Inclusive Learning Experiences is a new entry to the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook. This entry describes ways of addressing and embracing learning differences in both formal and informal education, with a focus on cultivating learners’ self-knowledge and encouraging self-reflection throughout the learning process.
As we practice and learn more about inclusive design we will continue to develop our ideas and add new content to our inclusive design resources. These resources continue to grow and evolve along with our thinking, and we welcome your feedback.
Coming Soon
Watch for new entries about Create-a-Thons in both the Inclusive Design Guide and the Inclusive Learning Design Handbook, as well as a restructuring of the Handbook that will improve navigation and findability of content.

Figure 1. Example of collaborative art created using the Collaborative Art Warmup Activity.
An image showing a small sculpture made of lego and pipe cleaners on a table top, beside which lie two hand-written notes, one of which includes a title and description, while the other contains an artist statement.